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Adli Bilişim ve Teknik Bilirkişi Raporu
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Supernova ExpertTouch

Forensic Computing and Technical Expert Report

Consultancy Services

What is Forensic Computing?

Forensic computing refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data stored in electronic media by a forensic computing expert for use as evidence in legal cases. In order to perform the process correctly, experts must adhere to international procedures and methods.


After the appointment of a forensic computing expert, the expert uses professional programs used in the field of forensic computing at an international level to analyze the data on lawfully obtained images or images that will be obtained in a way that preserves the legal integrity of the data and its ability to be used as evidence. The expert then presents the data obtained from the analysis to the court in the form of a report.


The types of evidence that fall within the realm of forensic computing are listed in detail below. It is important to ensure that these data retain their evidentiary nature, which requires that they be examined by a forensic computing expert who is both experienced and competent in the field.


Did a hacker/virus attack occur on your computer/mobile phone or harm your computing systems? Did your system fail to operate or were your data destroyed/erased/changed due to an infected virus? Were unauthorized transactions made on your bank and credit cards? Were your banking internet passwords stolen? Were your personal data recorded, obtained without your permission, or destroyed? Did you experience harassment through the internet or phone (recorded audio/messaging programs, etc.)? Were your cell phone conversations recorded without your consent and in violation of the law? Were you defrauded through the internet? Were obscene acts committed against you or your children?


Many electronic crimes, both mentioned and unmentioned, fall under the scope of forensic computing and can be proven through expert witness reports, leading to either proof of guilt or innocence.

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Some of the areas where forensic computing services are available include:

Data security (data privacy, data loss and deletion, data recovery, data encryption, encrypted data resolution, hidden file and folder detection), image examination and analysis, audio resolution and analysis, network system and database examinations, information security, company fraud, financial audits, internal audits, penetration testing, data recovery, steganography, ISO 27001 & internal audit consultancy, technical examinations and identifications of digital evidence, online reputation protection, HTS/base station location and GPS examinations, steganography, data analysis resulting from commercial disputes, and intellectual and industrial property rights.

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Data that Can be Used as Evidence in Forensic Computing

Computer Systems

Desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile computers, servers

Computer Components

Hard drives, SSD drives

Access Control Tools

Fingerprint scanners, door code locks

PDA and Palm Devices

Mobile computers

Network Tools

Network connection devices

Removable Backup Units

NAS systems

Memory Cards
External Hard Drives
Printers, Scanners, Photocopiers
Credit Card Readers
Digital Cameras, Digital Watches
Pager Devices, Phones, GPS Devices

What is a Technical Expert Report and Expert Opinion?

Expert opinion and expertise services are close in meaning in the dictionary, but the difference between these services comes from the laws they rely on, the method and procedure of obtaining the service. For example, while an expert witness is appointed by the court during an ongoing litigation process, an expert opinion is a service that one of the parties to the lawsuit can obtain privately.


Did you know that you can apply for an expert opinion to prove your righteousness in the lawsuits you are a party to, and to support or challenge expert witness reports that you believe are prepared against you or in your favor? In addition, expert opinion reports prepared by expert witnesses are protected by Law No. 6100, Article 293 of the HMK and Article 67/6 of the CMK, and are considered valid evidence in court, where your righteousness is defended with the latest technologies.

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Do you need a court order for an expert opinion report?

You do not need a court order for an expert opinion report. Both parties to the lawsuit can apply for an expert opinion to prove their righteousness, and they can prove their righteousness with the report prepared by the expert witness. In addition, while court-appointed expert witnesses only provide technical opinions on the subject matter of the litigation, expert witness reports may also address the legal aspects of the case and must be taken into account by the court as party statements.

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Expert Opinion

Why should I get an expert opinion?


Expert opinions involve a detailed examination of the evidence in the file according to the parties' requests, in addition to the technical and legal evaluation of the evidence after this examination, compared to the expert reports. Only technical examination is possible in expert reports. With the expert opinion to be prepared, the evidence is better understood in court and any deficiencies in the expert report are identified, if any.

Does paying for an expert opinion undermine the reliability of the report?


This is a bias expressed among lawyers. However, there is no legal difference between the expert report prepared by the expert appointed by the court and the expert opinion prepared by the expert appointed by the parties, and both are accepted as evidence in court. In addition, both reports are evaluated as discretionary evidence in court. Although it is possible for judges to be skeptical about expert opinions, it is expected that the report, which is prepared by reliable experts, the consistency of the issues mentioned in the report and the use of the report by the party receiving it will be effective in the court's conclusion.

Does an expert opinion by a specialist expert affect the judge's decision?


Expert reports and expert opinions are discretionary evidence, so they do not directly affect judges' decisions. However, the issues stated and revealed in expert opinion reports to be prepared contribute to the correct understanding of the incident and ensure the correction of deficient, incorrect, or erroneous evidence, thereby affecting the judge's opinion. In some cases, expert opinions that have been prepared have led to retrials in finalized (approved by the Court of Cassation) cases and stopped current enforcement.

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